
Servername Map Gametype Players
<[( Sharpshooter Server with UT99 and Rune Maps )]> Rune_AcidChamber Sharpshooter 0/12
<[(Sharpshooter Lite Server (For Less Downloading) )]> DXMP_Cathedral Sharpshooter 0/12
[Co-op] [Humans vs Bots] *CageMatch* by: Poor CageMatch_v2 PvBCageMatch 0/10
[Co-op] [Humans vs Bots] *CageMatch* by: Poor CageMatch_v2 PvBCageMatch 0/10
Alien Takeover [Humans vs. Aliens] By: Face AT_Spaceship_63 AlienTakeover 0/12
Cozmo RPG Version 2.0 | Mod by: Cozmo | Powered by: Atrey Cozmo_RPG_v2 MTLTeam 0/12
EZ8 | DXMP_Area51Bunker ANNATeam 0/8
~[FGS]Wunderland~ ALTFIRE 2014 dxmp_GODZUksarea51 ANNATeam 0/20
~[FGS]Wunderland~ DXAG V-Server DXAG_Area51Bunker_V2 DXAG 0/12
~[FGS]Wunderland~ DXSG Tactical Server~ DXSG_CMD_V1 SG Team Game 152 0/10
~Monica's Lunar Presence~ DXMP_Majestic CDX ADM 0/16